Drupal Info
Drupal Stack Creation
- Site stack location: /var/www/drupal8/prod/web/sites
- Create stack: /usr/local/foravid/bin/create-drupal-stack.py
- Site stack script must be run as root and requires passwords for 'root':mariadb and 'admin':drupal8.
- Any unused components should be disabled verses uninstalled.
Disable all/part of a drupal stack
- Noting that nothing loads while apache reloads the stack, optionally put the affected drupal sites in maintenance mode.
- Only need to modify/remove the desired drupal stack file SITEHOSTNAME.conf located in /etc/apache2/sites-available and apply/restart apache.
- Affected site files and databases can be left alone unless there are space limitations.
- If modifying/removing an active stack then it is recommended to first back it up with drush or equivalent.
- The corresonding Solr cores should be unloaded using Solr admin tool.
- If deleting an active Solr core, as opposed to unloading it, then it is recommended to first back it up.
Common Command Switches
- Useful drush switches (modify accordingly): -r /var/www/drupal8/prod -l http://SITEHOSTNAME
- Useful composer switches (modify accordingly): -d /var/www/drupal8/prod
- Useful dupal console switches (modify accordingly): --root=/var/www/drupal8/prod --uri=http://SITEHOSTNAME
- Note: It is recommended to update Drupal 8 core/modules using Composer instead of drush!
- Update core/modules using provided composer utility: /var/www/admin/utils/composer_d8up
Drupal Design with cssadmin
- Theme design privileges.
- Access and permissions to /var/www/drupal8/prod/web/themes directory.
- ProFTPD account mapped to /var/www/drupal8/prod/web/themes directory.
- Access drupal site themes via ftp://admin.SITEHOSTNAME using cssadmin:password account.
- Shell-In-A-Box.
- ssh.
- Gulp/Sass:
- Execute watch command from /var/www/drupal8/prod/web/themes directory.
- Watch command line: gulp watch
- Set a gulp watch with -f flag, i.e gulp watch -f mythemecom/gulpfile.js.
- Edit sass files located within the site's theme directory.
- Gulp watch should automatically compile changes to the components css directory.
- View changes to verify before deployment.
- Stop gulp watch.