Here are some common scenarios that are easy to understand. Even though the number of useful examples could fill a book, these cover only a few different sectors.
Got staff maintaining and fixing equipment on a daily basis? Ever wonder how much it costs when they don't have the information they need readily available to them at the point of crisis? Let's try a simple scenario: I get paged to help address an issue with the widget machine; I get there and while I'm familiar with the machine, I've never seen this issue before so I look at and mess with it for five or ten minutes because I think I can get this without having to go back to the office for the manuals, maintenance and repair documents, or even special notes; I still can't figure it out so off to the office for information (or worse, I call someone else for assistance and waste their time too); I dig up the information, go back to the widget machine and address the issue. If that scenario takes less than fifteen minutes then your manufacturing facility must have a small physical footprint. If you take the optimistic fifteen minute interval, multiply that by the average number of machine issues per year and again by the lost production dollars per minute of the machines, then you come up with a number that you probably won't like. The FormaVid Small Business Appliance can greatly reduce that associated cost by delivering it's designed for "mobile first" content right to the maintenance staff at the point of crisis. You can even stack your internal support site on top of an external facing corporate site to save on resources.
Done online work, got stiffed on the payment and they used your stuff anyway because working on "their site" was the only feasible option? You need the ability to host your code or content in a realm controlled by you until ALL business requirements are met. The problem is that you don't want to go get and pay an ISP service for every site you work on because of the "iffy" payment conditions and the temporary nature of it's existence. Not an issue for the FormaVid Small Business Appliance as it allows for site stacking; build your one professional business site and have all the development sites ride on the same IP address where you control all the access. If the client doesn't pay up, the site can be easily removed or just left as is and linked to as an example of your excellent work. You get to control your work until that final transaction occurs.
Need an online presence to increase business but don't want to pay through the nose for what you know will be a low volume site for a while. Most Internet service providers charge for additional IP addresses, so if you have more than one product site then you end up paying for more service even if it's only lightly used. Stackable sites allows you to get around this unfair practice; you should only pay for one service until it is saturated before requiring additional services. The built-in contact forms allow customers to communicate their requests or suggestions directly to you without tying up the phones. Forums and blogs are also available to increase customer interaction and improve your overall sales.
Building mods and would like to make sites to promote and support them? Want to get PayPal donations or payments directly? Nice to make a little on the side but find that hosting multiple sites is more expensive and harder to maintain than you thought? Give the FormaVid Small Business Appliance a try. It has built-in blogs, forums and an issue tracker all of which can be stacked with multiple sites onto a single IP address. You won't want to give it up after realizing how powerful it is and the freedom it provides with web based management from anywhere you can use a browser.